Further recordings are available at: http://www.auditorium-netzwerk.de
Public talks
Emotionality – access, understanding, importance and limits
10th Existential Summit with Alfried Längle
Cambodia March 2-9, 2025 What feelings are, which role they play, especially as detectors of values, development of feelings, their relationship to life info@mindbodypassport.com -
History:4 Masters - 4 Approaches
An Exploration of Existential Theory and Practice by
Emmy van Deurzen, PhD, Erik Craig, PhD, Alfried Längle, MD, PhD, Kirk Schneider, PhD,Each presenter has half a day with short presentation of the approach, life therapy demo, discussion and a panel discussion on Sunday 26Online zoom webinar September 24 - 26, 2021 / Längle on Sat 25, 18-21.30 CET (Vienna time) = 9-12.30 Pacific time We are excited to announce that for the first time, the four
contemporary leaders of the four major existential
psychotherapy schools of thought will come together and
present their specific theories and approaches, followed by a live
demonstration of how they work with a volunteer. The
conference will conclude with a panel of all four presentersOrganized by Existential-Humanistic North-West Information at ehnwpdx.orgfor presentation video click hereFor registration click here -
Forgiving and Repenting
5th European Conference on Existential Therapy (organized by FETE) on "Building bridges"
Istanbul, Turkey sample May 24 - 25, 2024 The conference goes on bridging polarities like East and West, Individual and Society, Old and Young, adversive people https://www.existentialtherapies.org/https://www.existentialtherapies.org/ -
Viktor Frankl, Logotherapy, Existential Analysis & the meaning of life
Online presentation at the weekend-university, London
Online October 31st, 2021, 1:00pm - 3:00pm GMT (2:00pm - 4:00pm in Austria) The presentation gives a brief introduction into Frankl’s life and work, my collaboration with him, and the background of the development of Frankl’s Logotherapy. With this meaning-centered approach Frankl made a substantial contribution to psychotherapy. Then will be outlined how it came to a new onset through a process oriented different paradigm on the basis of a strict use of phenomenological openness. This led to a complex, fourfould motivation-theory in which meaning and becoming is just one existential motivation, besides securing and expanding one’s being, enriching one’s life with pleasure and values, and finding and asserting oneself by encounter. The development of these four dimensions of existence layed ground for a fully fledged psychotherapy: the modern Existential Analysis which provides a broad access to the treatment of psychic suffering. We will outline the key to a fulfilling life, together with a short glimpse into the work with these existential motivations, including giving a tool to how individuals can live with a greater sense of meaning and purpose in their life. niall@theweekenduniversity.com -
Existential Summer Webinar Series 2020 - videos are available!
2 Sundays per month for 2 hours each session on
Boundaries, Capacities, Feelings, Values, Authenticity, Freedom, Meaning, and Love.Internet: https://www.mindbodypassport.com/existential-webinar-series June 21 + 28
July 12 + 26
August 9 + 23
Sept. 13 + 27
All sessions are live on Sundays 9:00-11:00am PST/ 12:00- 2:00pm EST/ 6:00- 8:00pm/ GMT+2 (Central Europe zone like Vienna)
+ recorded (if you can't make it on time)Join Dr. Alfried Langle this summer for a very unique existential analysis and Logo Therapy immersion. In our summer webinar series, you will experience eight interactive webinars including:
Boundaries, Capacities, Feelings, Values, Authenticity, Freedom, Meaning, and Love.
16 Continuing Education CreditsMore details and description of each session in:
Registration: https://www.mindbodypassport.com/existential-webinar-series -
How to find meaning and fulfillment in life?
An existential analytical approach to a fulfilling existence
University of East London UEL, room (UH.2.02) Stratford campus February 27, 2020, 1-2 pm We all want a fulfilling and happy life – real lasting happiness. But this can only come from true inner fulfillment. Of course, life has its difficulties, challenges, and tragedies, but there are certain skills we can learn to help us cope. What are these competencies that can help us feel anchored and in-touch with our values and direction in life? What will enable us to overcome life’s difficulties? How can anxiety and depression be managed so that we can reach a deep feeling of satisfaction?
This talk by Dr. Alfried Längle gives details about the existential analytical approach to finding meaning and inner fulfillment, which recognises that our existence is built on fundamental motivations, which enable a life with “inner consent”. Perspectives to the work in psychotherapy are given.https://www.gle-uk.com/
or: alfried.laengle@existenzanalyse.orghttps://www.gle-uk.com/ -
The existential motivations in psychology and psychotherapy
Principles and foundations for a fulfilling life
Cambridge University February 27, 2020, 7 pm As a human being we are not just there in this world – we are always deciding and constructing our life and ourselves. By doing so we strive intuitively for a fulfilling and happy life. To attain this aim requires a specific precondition: the own commitment to one’s life. What are the competencies that we need so that we can feel anchored and in-touch with our values and ourselves? What can enable us to overcome life’s difficulties? How can anxiety and depression be managed so that we can reach a deep feeling of satisfaction?
This talk by Dr. Alfried Längle gives a summary of the existential analytical approach to an existentially based life which leads to meaning and inner fulfillment. This perspective is valid for both, psychologists and clients. Perspectives to the work in psychological practice and psychotherapy are given.https://www.gle-uk.com/ or: alfried.laengle@existenzanalyse.org -
Anxiety, existence and the person. Understanding, treating and living with angst
Key-note address at the II World Congress of Existential Therapy on the theme: "Anxiety and guilt in time of change. Opening and possibilities", May 8th to 11th, 2019 | Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires City. Argentina, Universidad del Salvador. Faculty of Psychology and Psycho-Education.
Marcelo T. de Alvear 1335.May 8, 2019 Anxiety is inherent to existence – there is no way of avoiding it totally. Although it is an indicator of danger and threat and thus has a life-preserving function it may also become obstructive and paralysing existence and the experience of life.
In order to understand these different impacts of anxiety, one must understand both its roots and its relevance for existence. The existential-analytical understanding sees anxiety directly connected with a lack of rootedness to the being there. This goes along with the anxious feeling of not having enough strength and/or competence to really be there, i.e. concretely to be in these surroundings and under these conditions in which one stays. The anxious life lacks therefore a sense of “groundedness”. As a result, life’s limitations (including finally one’s death) can neither be faced nor accepted. The subjectively felt need to escape the inescapable limitations of existence brings life into the trap of constant danger.
The key-note speech will elaborate an existential understanding of anxiety and its connection to a well-grounded existence. Based upon this theoretical understanding of angst, a basic approach for existential treatment will be shown with hints to different methods.
Angustia, existencia y persona. Comprendiendo, tratando y viviendo con angustia.
Palabras clave: Angustia, falta de sostén, confrontación, dejar ser, portal de la muertesee ppt by clicking here -
Talks on life - free internet minilectures 2018 - 2019
see next file "lectures" for more detailed information
internet Link to register: https:/www.gle-uk.com/events The life talks took already place - but no worry: you can listen them here.The themes are on the next page "lectures"Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/pg/ExistentialAnalysisInTheUK/videos/?ref=page_internal)
Soundcloud (https://soundcloud.com/user-572793603)
Instagram: (https://www.instagram.com/existentialanalysis/ )
Youtube: (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXAPATRjxOzLeMw4rPYc-KA)https:/www.gle-uk.com/eventsdifferent existential themes are presented - in preparation of our training in London see: chapter "lectures" in this hp -
Expanding Humanistic Practice with Existential Analysis and Logotherapy
Workshop; followed by Panel and Q&A session
San Francisco, First Unitarian Universalist Church and Center, 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 Dec. 1st, 2018, 9 am - 1 pm; 2:30pm-4:30pm EHI Panel with Alfried;
4:30pm-5:30pm Q&A / ClosureThis workshop focuses on building a bridge between the given humanistic understanding of treatment and the add-ons by Existential Analysis and Logotherapy. Furthermore, it offers the opportunity to arrive at a closer view of four key existential themes. These four themes derive from a phenomenological understanding of human experience, and form an inescapable life-challenge with which each person must confront. They are: the world, being alive, being a person, and needing meaning.
The workshop will focus on the application of these themes to psychotherapy and their implication for psychopathology. Thus, it opens access to introspective uses of the existential themes and for experiments in everyday living. A demonstration of the approach as well as small group work will be included.Find the EHI Conference Online:
To see the program click here -
Meaning in life – a perspective development
The Meaning Finding Method and its application in Coaching
- A one day seminar for psychotherapists, psychologist, existential coaches and other practitioners, in EnglishStockholm, Andreaskyrkan, Högbergsgatan 31, i hörnet av Götgatan mellan Slussen och Medborgarplatsen i Stockholm 27. Oct. 2018, 9.00 - 16.00 o'click From all questions about existence the most important for continuing life is the one of “What for?” – the question for meaning. Doubts about meaning are never accidental but always existential. They can immerge very urgently: when work, school or relationships are empty, when consumption and success is no longer rewarding, or when fatal suffering questions the meaning of life. On the other hand the doubts about meaning can remain unnoticed for a longer time and slowly emerge into consciousness, and eventually can become even obtrusive. Without finding a personal answer to such a structural question of existence, inner void, disorientation and even despair may arise. –
But lack of meaning, doubts and despair are not a destiny, we are not surrendered to them. Fulfillment in life depends to a great deal from us, from conditions which make it possible to find meaning, and it can theoretically be found in all circumstances of life. The lack of meaning therefore has its meaning: it claims for searching for a better dealing with our existence, to have a closer look at that what really matters in life. –
Such an access to find meaning will be showed from the point of view of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis by presenting a method to find meaning. We want to give a demonstration of tis application and even train it in small groups.SEPT, The Society of Existential Psychotherapy, in Stockholm, www.sept.nu,
PRIS Ordinarie: 1500 kr, ink. moms. Medlem i SEPT: 1200 kr ink. moms -
The healing effect of the presence of the psychotherapist on the patient
Key-note address at the Russian conference on Existential Analysis, "Ressources in Psychotherapy and Counselling: From potential to Existence, 2. till 5. November 2018 (Online)
Lesnye DaliLesnye Dali, Moscow Region + online Sat., Nov. 4th, 2018, 9.00 - 10.30 MEZ (Presentation Online) Presence is the attitude which allows a full being in the world. As such, it is also an important aspect of the encounter. This basic existential attitude has a great impact on the therapeutic process. The client experiences the therapist as an “existential” being, who is really with him/her, sharing the own full “being in the world” (Dasein) with the client. This is not only influencing the therapeutic relationship, but also the inner relationship of the client and his/her relationship to the world. As such the therapy mobilizes resources in the client which need the otherness of another person to be more able to be fully there, in his/her world.
A description of the effects of the presence in the therapeutic relationship will be given, as well as the way how the presence can be improved will be described. Presence is the attitude which allows a full being in the world. As such, it is also an important aspect of the encounter. This basic existential attitude has a great impact on the therapeutic process. The client experiences the therapist as an “existential” being, who is really with him/her, sharing the own full “being in the world” (Dasein) with the client. This is not only influencing the therapeutic relationship, but also the inner relationship of the client and his/her relationship to the world. As such the therapy mobilizes resources in the client which need the otherness of another person to be more able to be fully there, in his/her world.http://aeapp.ru/events/conferenceshttp://aeapp.ru/events/conferences -
What matters in life? -
An existential perspective on valuesPublic lecture in English and Russian translation
HSE - Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 17th of October, 2018, 19.00 o'clock Values have a great influence in our life. They play a constant role in economics, politics and societies or in disciplines like philosophy, psychology, religion, sociology. They are fundamental for the construction of a good life for every individual, for gaining life-quality, for finding meaning.
But what are values? They are often understood as an abstract category like health, education, truth, economic growth, freedom of opinion. What makes it that for some of us this are values which motivate them to fight for them, whereas for others it is not?
Existential relevant values are tightly connected with an experience of personal feelings for them. This interconnection is often not so known but sheds light into the inherent potential of values as well as the difficulty to understand different forms of dealing with values by persons, societies and within one’s own life.
The presentation gives an overview on actual shifts and tendencies in societal values and then focusses on the existential access to find and deal with values. It shows their closeness and difference to pleasure. Finally it lays ground for an access to find meaning.Shoumskij Vladimir vshymsk@hse.ru -
History: The existential approach to clinical practice
Key-note at the Congress "Medical (clinical) psychology:historical traditions and modern practice"- in German with Russian translation
Kursk state medical university Oct. 11, 2018, 9.15 o'clock Viktor Frankl claimed already in the 1920s a psychological support of all patients in medical treatment. So he can be considered as a phone call of medical psychology. His primary intention of Logotherapy will be outlined.
Existential Analysis is a modern form not only of psychotherapy and counseling, but also of clinical psychology. The existential understanding of psychological health and illness will be reflected as well as its practical impact in the clinical work. The basics of this existential approach in the work with very sick patients will be presented.Василенко Татьяна tvasilenko@yandex.ru -
Why don’t I do what I want?
Decision-making and the will-strengthening method
St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver, BC 1081 Burrard Street. Cullen Family Lecture Theatre. Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y6 CADate not yet fixed - from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (PST) - free entrance Will is often misunderstood as a logic cognition, a reasonable guidance in one's life. But it is not. This makes sometimes difficulties and can lead to self-reproaches and self-devaluating behavior.Will is much more complex, is far beyond any streemlined decision making. Will encompraises the whole human existence with all its tendencies and intentions of body, mind and spirit.A deeper understanding of will will be offered and discussed, and a way how we can live with our will in an authentic and self-accepting way.reservation (for free) required -
In Search of Fulfilment and Meaning in Life
Lecture on Existential Analysis and Logotherapy - in LODNON
London, Birkbeck-Univ.,, Mallet Street, Bloomsburry, Room 532 Sat., March 3, 9.30 am. till 12.30 pm · Presentation of principal contents of Existential Analysis and Logotherapy
· A lecture on what Existential Analysis and Logotherapy can do to help people live with inner consent
· Q&A Sessioninfo@clever-psy.com
+447961016636 (Anna)
For full details and tickets please see www.gle-uk.com
Cost: £30